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Creating time reports

Learn how to create a time evaluation, filter it, and export the data to an invoicing tool

Merle avatar
Written by Merle
Updated over 3 months ago

Within the time evaluations, you'll be able to evaluate the recorded times extensively. Various filters, groupings, and summations are possible. From here, you can export the times, create timesheets, mark them as accounted for, or forward them to invoicing tools.

Overview of the evaluations

You will find the reports in the main menu under Time reports.

The overview page is divided into My reports and Shared reports. However, you will only be able to see the Shared Reports section if these exist.

Under My reports, you will find all reports you have created, while Shared reports will show you all reports that other users have shared with you.

You'll be able to create a new report by clicking the green Add button. To open an existing report, click on its name.

Within the overview, it is possible to search for evaluations or delete them.

The saved reports can be sorted by name or by the last time they were edited.

Create, save, share & duplicate a time report

Create and save a time report

Once you have created a new report, you'll be able to name it at the top and then save it. You'll be able to display saved evaluations as a widget on the dashboard.

☝️Hint: Save your time report after creating it so that you can always access it quickly. πŸš€

We've done some improvements on the confirmation modal to make the choice more clear if the user wants to exit without saving or save and then exit.

You do not need to save your report to export or create invoices.

Delete, duplicate and share a time report

You can delete, duplicate or share the time report with your team using the action button on the right in the respective line of the report. If you have shared an evaluation with your team, they can view and use your saved evaluation. Of course, the results may vary depending on which data the user is allowed to see according to permission management.

☝️Hint: Shared reports can only be deleted by the creator of the report and the admin.

Use filters

The filters for creating evaluations are divided into three areas/rows:

1. Time filter

This is where it is possible to select the time range that is used within the evaluation. awork distinguishes between relative and absolute options. If you select a specific month (e.g. August), the evaluation will always show the data for August.

Of course, you'll still be able to switch between months manually at the top of the report. However, if you select a relative time range, e.g. This month, the current month will always be shown.

2. Data filter

Using data filters has several options:

  • Filter by user

  • Filter by project

  • Filter by activity

  • Filter by tags

  • Filter by billing status

  • Filter by note of times

All filters can be used in combination. An 'AND' operation is always performed.

So, for example, filtering by "all accounted time entries and specific activity".

☝️ Important: All filters are applied only when the Apply selection button is clicked.

Filter by user

Here you'll be able to select one or more users and filter by them. To show all users again, just click on All users in the upper right corner.

☝️Hint: When searching for a user, the switch will appear allowing you to select whether you want to include deactivated users in the search. If you enable the switch, you can also filter for deactivated users here.

☝️ Important: The tracked times of deleted users remain, and have no assignment to a user.

Filter by project

Here you have two options. You can filter by a single project or use more specific filters like customer, project type, and project status.

Filter by activity

Here you'll be able to select the different activity types. To show all activities again, just click on All activities in the upper right corner.

Filter by tags

You'll be able to filter by task tags, project tags and user tags. To show all tags again, just click on All tags in the upper right corner.

Filter by billing status

The billing status can be used to filter time entries by Billed, Billable, and Non-Billable.

Filter by note of times

Here you'll be able to enter the content of the note you wish to filter by. To disable the filter, you'll be able to simply delete the text from the field.

☝️Hint: It is not possible to filter by paused times.

3. List options

There are also several options for the list options:

  • Select grouping

  • Select summation by field

  • Sort list by

  • Select displayed columns

  • Set rounding

☝️ Important: All list options will not be applied until the Apply selection button is clicked. All selected options also affect the print option / PDF export and Excel export after grouping.

Select grouping

Here you'll be able to specify how the data should be grouped in the report. The groups are then displayed as headers in the list.

Select summation by field

Here you'll be able to set summations for the list. For example, if you sum by tasks, the list will show one entry for each task. This can then be expanded to reveal the entries below it.

Sort list by

Decide by which field the list should be sorted in ascending or descending order. You'll be able to sort by fields you don't want to show in the list.

Here you can now see at a glance whether the sorting is set to descending or ascending. Depending on which sorting is selected, the symbol for descending or ascending sorting is displayed.

Select displayed columns

Select which columns will be displayed in the table. Only the columns that are available for selection here can be displayed. It is not possible to add more columns.

Set rounding

You''ll be able to define how the entries are rounded. There are two options:

  • Round up or down to the next full unit (15 min., 30 min. or hour). Then e.g. 1:17 becomes 1:15.

  • Round up: Then the next larger value is always used, e.g. 1:17 becomes 1:30. [GIF; ROUND TIMES]

Export data (.pdf & .xlsx)

The data of the evaluation can be exported in two ways.

As a timesheet in PDF format

Print your report or save it as a PDF.

☝️Hint: You'll be able to store your logo under Settings > General so that it appears on the PDF.

To get an excerpt of the filtered values as a PDF and attach it to the invoice, e.g. in the invoice tool, click on the document icon. The print window of your browser will open. Now that you are ready, you'll be able to make various settings (depending on your browser) and print the statement or save it as a PDF. The groups, totals and column filters that you have selected will be taken into account.

☝️Note: If, for example, a link is visible at the bottom of the PDF, it is likely caused by your print settings. Here you need to disable this information in the print window.

As Excel spreadsheet in Excel format (.xlsx)

Export the raw data or create a grouped data report.

Using the filter options, you can format the export (available for PDF format and grouped data export only) according to your demands by grouping, summing or sorting the data. You can also define the columns to be exported or decide how the data should be rounded.

You can find more information about creating exports here.

Totals and charts in the summary

Within the summary, you will find the sum of all displayed times (purple), the billable value (yellow), the billed value (green), and the non-billable value (red).

  • Billable: Tracked times that are billable.

  • Not billable: Tracked times that are not billable. If it is to be billed, it must be set to billable.

  • Billed: Tracked times that are billable and already billed.

There are three settings for the graph: Bar Chart, Matrix, and Pie Chart.

awork automatically displays the Bar Chart if the data is not grouped, and for grouped data, it automatically uses the Matrix view.

1. Bar chart

If the evaluation is not grouped, bars are displayed in the height of the recorded times for the respective time range. By moving the mouse over the entry, the exact date and value of the recorded hours will be displayed.

2. Matrix

If the evaluation is grouped, a matrix is displayed. The rows correspond to the respective group of the evaluation. The matrix itself contains the entries for the respective units, e.g., days, and at the end, the total sum for the group. By moving the mouse over the entry, the exact date and the value of the recorded hours is displayed.

☝️Note: For better readability, all values are rounded on an hourly basis. Moving the mouse over the entry will display the exact value.

3. Pie chart

If the evaluation is not grouped, the ratio of the non-billable, the not yet billed, and the already billed times are displayed here. If the evaluation is grouped, the ratio of the group totals is displayed. When the mouse is moved over an entry, the value of the entry and the percentage are displayed.

Edit times separately or several at the same time

There are several ways to edit times in the evaluation view.

Edit single times

Firstly, you'll be able to open the edit window by clicking on the action button of a time to edit the entry.

Secondly, you'll be able to edit non-aggregated times in the list directly by clicking on the corresponding fields. This is possible for the fields 'duration and date'.

Edit multiple times at the same time

You'll be able to edit multiple times at the same time, e.g. to mark them as billed. Taking into account your rights (permission management), you can change the type of work, project, task, user or delete time entries for several time entries at the same time.

To do this, select individual times or entire groups using the checkboxes to the left of the list of times. They will appear when you move the mouse pointer over the task lines or groups. An action menu appears at the bottom of the screen. Here you'll be able to perform various actions or cancel the selection.

☝️Hint: Unfortunately, not all time entries can currently be selected by clicking on them. However, if you have set a grouping, you can select the time entries per grouping with a click and do not have to click on all times individually.

Mark times as billed

You'll be able to mark all times in your report as accounted. To do this, build your desired filter and then click on the dollar icon in the upper right corner and select Set to accounted.

If you only want to mark some of the times as billed, then do that as described above about editing marked times at the same time.

☝️Hint: Only times that have not yet been marked as billed can be transferred to invoices.

Invoice times

The further billing of times is done by integrated invoice tools. Click on the dollar icon in the upper right corner and select Generate Invoice.

☝️Hint: Invoiced times can no longer be edited. Only the admin has the right to change a time that has already been marked as billed back to billable, which will then allow the time to be edited again.

Find out more about billing times here.

Frequently asked questions

Are the paused times displayed in the evaluation during time tracking?

Paused times are not displayed here for the time being. If you click on edit via the action button of a time tracking entry, you can view the paused time. The paused time cannot be changed, but it can be deleted. The paused time can only be deleted if the time entry is not yet set to "billed". You can find more information here.

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