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Create an invoice

Tracked times can be transferred to an invoice via time evaluations.

Merle avatar
Written by Merle
Updated over 7 months ago

Tracked times can be transferred to invoices via the time reports.

By clicking on the dollar icon and selecting Generate Invoice, a workflow is initiated to transfer the times to a new or existing invoice in an integrated invoice tool.

Integrate Invoice Tool

Here you will learn how to integrate one of the supported invoice tools so that you will be able to use it moving forward.

New invoice vs. existing draft invoice

You'll be able to either add the items to an existing draft invoice or create a new invoice.

Combining the positions

There are several options on how you'll be able to combine the times from your evaluation into invoice positions:

  • Groups = Positions: Only the group headings with the added totals will be taken as invoice items (only possible if the data is grouped in time evaluation).

  • Totals = Positions: Only the totals of the items are transferred as invoice items (only possible if the data is totaled in time evaluation).

  • Times = Positions: Each time entry is transferred to the invoice as a separate item.

Select item text and unit of measure

In this step, you'll choose what should be shown as position text on the invoice. You now have the choice between:

  • Project name

  • Task name

  • Username

You'll be able to decide whether you want the times to be displayed in hours or in days. The calculation is done so that a day always has 8 hours.

Adjust data and enter prices

In the second to last step, you'll see the single positions again, and you'll be able to edit them manually. You'll be able to make the following changes:

  • Change the name of the position

  • Adjust the number of hours/days

  • Delete position

  • Change the order of the positions

  • Create new position

For the positions, you have to enter the prices in this step.

Mark times as accounted and create invoice

In the last step, you'll be able to mark all times that have been transferred to the invoice as accounted and create the invoice in your invoice tool.

Now you'll be able to close the window or go directly to the invoice tool.

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