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The planner

With the awork planner you can plan the tasks and workload of your team in the timeline or calendar view

Lucas Bauche avatar
Written by Lucas Bauche
Updated this week

Bring the coordination of your projects, the task and your team together with the awork planner. It allows you to plan the work for the coming days, weeks and months in detail or just roughly, taking into account the capacities and availabilities of your team.

The best thing to do is to watch our video as an intro to the planner 👇

The Timeline View


The first view in the planner is the project view. Here you can see an overview of all projects. There is a list of all projects on the left-hand side. On the right-hand side, you can see the projects in the timeline, provided the start and end date of the project have been set.

The options for searching, filtering, sorting, grouping and showing and hiding project columns are available for the project list.

By clicking on the project, you can open the task timeline of the project or jump to the user workload view of the project team. You can also navigate to the project detail page from here. If you open the task timeline or the user workload of the project, you can return to the overview at any time by closing the selected project in the top left-hand corner.

In the timeline, you can easily move entire projects by “grabbing” them and dragging & dropping them to your desired date.

If you are in the project overview, all projects are always displayed here. You can use the project filter to select projects or select a team if you only want certain projects to be displayed. The view remembers what you last selected here.

The Task Timeline

The task timeline has the same functions as the timeline you already know from the projects.

In the following article, you will find a detailed description of how the Task Timeline works: Project Planning in the Timeline

The User View

The second tab of the planner is the user view. Here you can see the workload of the users in the selected filter. If no filter is set, only your own users will be displayed; if you open a project in the overview and open the user view there, only the users that have been added to the project will be displayed.

Here you can find a detailed description of how to work with the workload view: Workload overview

The planner checklist

The planner checklist is a support for your planning process. When you generate a new checklist, awork automatically searches the data for things in your plan that you should check, including upcoming deadlines (project and task deadlines and milestones), as well as upcoming absences and overbooked users.

In the checklist settings (top right button), you can select the time range to be viewed, such as the next 7 days. The checklist only searches the data that you have currently set in the filter for projects.

By clicking on the entries in the checklist, awork navigates to the corresponding location in the timeline (user or project view). Once you have checked the corresponding theme, you can tick off the checklist entry.

When the checklist is generated again for the same period, these checked items remain visible and are retained. If the time period has elapsed and the checklist is therefore out of date, completely new entries are generated.

The checklist is unique for your own user. This means that as soon as you generate it, it is only visible and valid for you. Other users may have different filters, etc.

Task filter as checklist entry:

In the settings for the checklist, you can also optionally add task filters. You will see a checklist entry for each filter. For example, you can create certain filters that you always want to check when scheduling tasks.

The task sidebar

The task sidebar can be shown in the planner, in the user view (for a project or in the main view), on the left-hand side.

There are three standard filters:

  • New: Tasks assigned to you or created for you within the last 7 days.

  • My: All tasks assigned to you (private & from projects).

  • Private: Your private tasks

Below that is the list of your currently running projects.

The last section is your task filters, which you can also view and edit in the main menu item Tasks.

By clicking on one of these areas, the tasks will be loaded accordingly. The arrow in the upper left corner will take you back to the overview.

Show completed tasks

Completed tasks are initially hidden, since they usually do not need to be scheduled anymore. Via the icon with the two checkmarks, you can display them in the list at any time.

Show already scheduled tasks

Already scheduled tasks are automatically hidden in the list. By clicking the icon with the checkbox in the calendar you can display the hidden (already scheduled) tasks in the list again. You can recognize them by the purple checkbox in the list.

"Scheduled" in the calendar means that they have been dragged into the calendar to the extent of their planned effort.

"Scheduled" in the Timeline view means that the tasks have start & end dates and are therefore already visible in the Timeline.

Grouping, sorting and searching the task list

The list of tasks can be grouped, sorted and searched using the icons above the list.

However, this only works for the filters. If you open a project in the sidebar, it is grouped and sorted into the lists by default, just like you know it from the project itself.

Availability in the selection of users

If you use the planner and the workload, you also have the option of viewing the availability in the period when selecting users, assigning tasks or bookings. To do this, click on the Availability button at the top right of the selection pop-up. The availability is then loaded for the displayed persons and displayed in the form of a bar.

The preset time range corresponds to that of the task or booking. If the task only has an end date, this day is considered. If no date is set, the availability for the current week is considered. You can adjust the availability and the planned value in the selection field in order to search other time ranges if necessary. However, changing this value has no effect on the task or the booking.

☝️Hint: To be able to view the availability, you need read-permissions for user planning.

Frequently asked questions

Can I open a project in the planner?

If you go to Tasks > Timeline in a project, you can jump directly to the planner via the planner button in the upper right corner. The project and the project members are immediately preselected.

Can I adjust my weekly availability in the Planner?

Yes! You can change your weekly working hours not only via your account settings, but also directly in the Planner in the Workload View. Simply click the total of your working hours and change your working hours to the desired number.

The holiday region can also be adjusted here.

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