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Manage users

Users in awork are always bound to accounts and can be managed in the settings. Only active users count in your billing.

Lucas Bauche avatar
Written by Lucas Bauche
Updated over 4 months ago

Users are always linked to accounts in awork. Therefore, users cannot simply be created, but invitations must be sent by email to unique and existing email addresses.

An overview of all users in your awork can be found in the main menu under Users.

The user overview

You can use the icon with the filter symbol to display all, all active or all deactivated users (see below for more information on deactivated users). You can also filter the users according to various criteria such as team or tag.

Besides that, by clicking the blue + Invite users button, you can invite new users. Note that you need admin rights to create new users, as inviting new users will affect your booking.

You can edit, deactivate or delete the user using the action button (three dots) to the right of the user.

Using the icons in the upper right corner allows you to browse, filter, or export the users, similar to other lists in awork.

Create/invite new users

New users can be invited to your awork via + Invite users at any time. To invite a new user, you need to have enough users booked in your plan. The window will tell how many users you have left to invite. If you do not have enough licenses, a message will appear informing you to book additional licenses. Within your free 14-day trial, you may invite as many users as you like.

Learn more about adding or removing users.

Here is a detailed explanation about inviting users and what you have to consider.

☝️ Important: Since it is possible to assign permission roles when inviting new users, only users with the Admin permission role are allowed to invite new users.

The user details

If you click on a user in the overview, you'll get to the user details. Here you have the possibility to view the stored contact information and see all times and projects of the user via the tabs.

View all projects of a user

With the tab Projects you get an overview of all projects the user is a member of.

Here you can switch between the list view and the timeline.

You can also use the icons at the top right to search for projects, group them, filter them, define the displayed columns and export the projects.

View all times of a user

The tab Times provides you with an overview of all times the user has tracked.

Track a time

The blue + Time button opens the time tracking window. You can enter a time directly and the corresponding user is already preselected, provided you have the appropriate rights to track times for other users (permission to edit the project times).

Search function

You can use the search function on the top right to search for projects, main tasks and subtasks.

Select time period

You can select a time period using the calendar button at the top right. If no time period has been selected, all tracked times of the user will be displayed here.


You can group the time entries using the grouping button on the right.

Users totals at a glance

Above the list of times, you will see a summary of all tracked times and absences. If you have not selected a specific time period, all of the user's tracked times and absences will be displayed here.

  • Total tracked time: divided into billable and non-billable time

  • Ready to invoice: divided into billable time and billed time; you can use the blue + invoice button to jump directly to the time report and create an invoice for the times to be billed (provided you have set up one of our invoice tool integrations). The current month is automatically selected in the time report; this can then be adjusted.

  • Absences: the total number of days absent

☝️Hint: The absences will only be displayed, if a specific time period has been selected.

List of tracked times

If you have the necessary rights, the time entries are editable or deletable or can be duplicated. In addition, you can start the same timer again here.

Bar chart

The bar chart allows users to get a better overview of how the tracked times are divided into different criteria. By hovering over the bars with the mouse, further information on the times is displayed, depending on which grouping you select.

The displayed time frame can also be selected here, such as day, week, month, quarter, year, or all time.

The following criteria can be grouped:

Type of Work



Deactivate user

Using the action button in each line of the user overview or in the top right corner of the user details allows you to deactivate or activate a user.

☝️ Important: Deactivating and deleting users in the user module does not automatically reduce the number of licenses you ordered. To reduce the number of licenses you need to adjust your plan.

Frequently asked questions

What happens with tracked times when users have been deleted?

The tracked times of deleted users remain, and have no assignment to a user.

Are there dummy users in awork?

No, dummy users, in the sense of a user that can be managed in awork but does not have an account, don't exist in awork.

However, you could do this by using your own unused email addresses, yet the users will still have to be billed.

What is the difference between users and guest users?

A guest user is a user who has fewer rights and functions in awork but also costs less.

Learn more about guests in awork here.

How can I customize my own user?

There are two ways to edit your own user:

  1. Navigate in the main menu through User, scroll to your user, and click on the action button on the right. Then click on Edit.

  2. Click on your user picture (or initials) in the top right corner of the app header, select Account Settings and click on the blue button below your user picture Edit User.

If you don't have enough rights to see the user overview, just follow the second approach.

Why is my account email address different from the one in my user details?

Your account email address is the email address you use to log in to awork. Only you are able to edit it in your account. You may have several awork workspaces with the same account. In different workspaces, you have different users, and you can choose the different information, like picture, name, position, and contact information you want to show in the workspace.

Your user within an awork workspace can be edited by other users (if possible according to the permission management), for example, to add your contact information. Of course, this should not affect your account and login. You will receive your awork notifications at the email address you have entered there.

For these reasons, the email addresses can be different.

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