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Integration for Microsoft Teams

You're now able to connect awork and Microsoft Teams allowing activities in your awork projects to be visible in Teams.

Max Raschke avatar
Written by Max Raschke
Updated this week

With the Microsoft Teams integration, updates from your projects can be posted to Microsoft Teams channels. In addition, you can create tasks, comments, and times in awork from within Microsoft Teams.

Set up the integration for Microsoft Teams

To set up the integration with MS Teams, go to “Apps” in the left menu bar in Teams. Search there for awork.

MS Teams Integration Set Up

Click on “Add”. In the next step, a pop-up window will open. Click on “Add to a team” here. Then select your team and click on “Set up bot”.

MS Teams Integration Set Up
MS Teams Integration Set Up

You will then receive a welcome message from the awork bot in the team you have selected.

Welcome Message from awork Bot after successfully integrated MS Teams

You can now use the integration and use the following @-commands. 🥳

Create tasks/time tracking from Microsoft Teams

With the integration, you can also work directly with awork within Microsoft Teams. You can use the following @-commands :

  • @awork add [task] - creates a new task in awork project

  • @awork comment [task]:[text] - Creates a comment to the entered task

  • @awork start [task/project] - Start time tracking on a task/project

  • @awork stop - Stop running time tracking

  • @awork help - Shows you all options for the awork Connectors

So, for example, just type @awork add Create design for logo in Teams, and the task Create design for logo will be created in the linked project, or as a private task if no project is linked.

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