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Search and find in awork

In awork, you're able to search projects, tasks, users, and customers. Open the search by clicking on the magnifying glass icon or press F.

Lucas Bauche avatar
Written by Lucas Bauche
Updated over 3 months ago

At any time, it is possible to open the search in awork by clicking on the action button icon in the upper right corner or by pressing the shortcut F (like find).

Simply type your search query and awork will show you the top 100 search hits.

☝️ Hint: The search is very forgiving of slight typos or different grammatical forms.

Search in awork

You can then use the settings bar at the top right to specify whether you want to see all results or only projects, tasks, users or clients. By activating the "Incl. done projects" button, you can also include units from closed projects in your search. This function allows you to perform a precise and individual search that only shows you results precisely to your needs.

awork searches not only tasks, projects, users, and clients but also the menu so that you can comfortably navigate through the search. Just try it out by searching for Projects.

In the awork search, names are generally weighted higher. This means that matches in names are displayed preferentially. In addition, awork saves the frequency of access to projects or tasks, which means that frequently used elements are ranked higher in the search results.

To the right of the search result, you can see which path awork used to find your result.

For example, you can see whether your search result leads to a description or a task list.

In addition to tasks, projects, users and clients, awork also searches the menu so that you can easily navigate through the search. Just try it out by searching for projects.

awork searches the following units in detail:

  • Menu

  • Project name

  • Project description

  • Project members

  • Task lists

  • Task name

  • Task description

  • Files

  • Assignee

  • Comments

  • Tags

  • Status

  • Notes in Dashboard Widget

  • First name of user

  • Last name of user

  • Awork Links (Project-, Task-, Tasklist-Links)

☝️ Hint: With the search for Awork links, you can now also search via links in the desktop app. 🚀

Open search results in a new tab or copy the link to the result

To open search results in a new tab or to copy the link, simply click on the 3-dot menu of the respective result and select the action you want to perform.

☝️ Pro-Tip: Edit directly from search!

Some objects, such as tasks or projects, can also be edited right from search. For tasks, you simply change the status as usual, while for all other search results, you have the button for the action menu in the right margin.

Searching in awork as an external Connect user (Basic Connect Plan)

For content from your own workspace that does not belong to external projects, the standard search criteria apply (see above).

External users can also find all content to which the user is connected from their own workspace based on their permissions. This means that content from external projects to which you have access can also be found here.

What should I do if I don't find what I'm looking for?

If the item you are looking for does not appear in the search results, you will probably have to be more specific. For example, enter the project name or parts of it in the search field in addition to the task name. Similar to the search engine on the web, awork is able to provide more accurate results.

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