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Import data in awork

Easily import your tasks including projects and clients into awork.

Merle avatar
Written by Merle
Updated over 9 months ago

To make it as easy as possible for you to transfer your existing tasks, we have added a data importer in awork. To use it, the tasks incl. projects simply have to be in Excel format (.xlsx).

☝️Hint: Guides on how to export your data from Trello, Asana, Monday, Jira, or Meistertask and prepare it for import into awork can be found here.

Who can import data?

Only admins can import data.

What data can be imported?

The data import in awork primarily includes tasks with their details.

The following fields can be imported with the tasks:

  • Task name

  • Project name

  • Client name

  • Task description

  • Type of work

  • Start date

  • Due date

  • Planned effort

  • User

  • Task status

  • Task list

Projects, clients, and task lists are independent objects in awork. If they aren't found in awork during the import, these objects will be created. If objects with the same name are found, they are used again. Thus, clients and projects can also be imported, but not as a standalone import with all project or client details.

Can I import times as well?

No, importing times into awork is currently only possible via the API.

Can I only import clients or projects?

The independent import of clients or projects with all their details is not possible, or only via the API. However, projects and clients can be imported in a simple form via the tasks (see above).

Step by step: Data import

Step 1: Navigate to settings

Via Settings > General, you'll find the section Data import.

Step 2: Prepare data

Clicking the Start import button will open a window where you can download a template that is already adjusted to the import.

Learn how to export your data from other tools here

Fill the template or use/create your own Excel spreadsheet (.xlsx) and fill it with your tasks.

In the same window, you can upload your Excel spreadsheet for import.

Step 3: Assign the fields between awork and the Excel columns

If the column headings of your Excel spreadsheet can't be automatically linked to the fields in awork, a window will open in which you have to do the assignment manually.

If you use the template provided in awork, this step will be skipped.

Step 4: Check the data and correct it manually

All data is now clearly displayed in a large window. At this point, the data has not yet been imported.

If there are problems, e.g., incomplete data records, this will be displayed at the top of the window. Required fields such as the task name must always have a value in order to be imported. The corresponding fields are marked red in the table.

If projects or clients with the same name already exist in awork, they will be used for the import, and no new objects will be created. You will see that an existing project or client is already in use by the small asterisk next to the name in the field.

You can edit all the data here row by row and cell by cell before it is imported. Just click on the corresponding cell.

Incomplete or incorrect rows will be skipped during the import.

Step 5: Start import

If you now click on Import, the data will be transferred to awork. As soon as the import is complete, you will receive a notification by email.

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