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Overview all projects

Get to know how the project overview works and how to get an overview of your projects, filters, searches, and much more.

Lucas Bauche avatar
Written by Lucas Bauche
Updated over 4 months ago

How to use the project overview

You reach the project overview via the main menu and the menu item Projects.

In the overview, you will find a list of all the projects visible to you.

Sorting and Grouping

In the project overview, you have various options to customize your view.


  • Due date

  • Start date

  • Name

  • Client

  • Budget

  • Task Progress

  • Time Progress

  • Status


  • Project status

  • Project status type

  • Client

  • Project type

  • Project responsible

  • Week due

  • Month due

☝️Hint: You can also search for your projects directly using the magnifying glass symbol.

Timeline view

If you click on Timeline above the list, all projects will be displayed in a timeline view.

For a project to be displayed here, it must have a start and end date. You can add them in the project details or in the editing window.

The projects are automatically arranged to save space, depending on the time range. Unfortunately, sorting or grouping is not possible here. However, you can search for projects and also apply the filters.

☝️Hint: In general, all projects are sorted alphabetically. The naming of the projects plays the following role in the arrangement:

  • Special characters before numbers and letters

  • Underscore before hyphen

  • Numbers before letters

The details that are displayed in each project are the same columns that you have chosen for the list view. You can edit them using the column icon in the upper right corner.

By clicking on the milestone icon in the upper right corner, you can view the milestones. They are displayed as small diamonds at the top of the respective project beam. Milestones that are outside the project time range are not currently displayed. If you hover over the milestones, the full name will be displayed.

☝️ Hint: We recommend using the same colors for the same type of milestones. This way you can directly see what kind of milestone it is in the general timeline view.


  • Feedback Meeting: yellow

  • Presentations: green

  • Customer meeting: purple

You can use the zoom buttons in the upper right corner of the timeline to zoom in or out.

You can jump to "today" via the calendar icon.

Wide and narrow view

If you use awork on a large monitor, the view automatically switches to a wider view and displays more columns and project information than on a small monitor.

In the two different views (wide/narrow), you can display different numbers of columns that awork remembers for you in the respective view.

Actions on projects

Using the action button on the right side of the project list, you can directly edit, delete, etc. the project.


You will see the filter menu via the funnel icon. Here you're able to build and save filters for your project overview.

First of all, you can filter by all, your active, all active and all closed projects.

If you click on + Add under Filter by, you can set a filter. Click on the Set filter button to activate the filter. To save, simply click on Save as new and then enter the filter name.

You can display your saved filters using the selection field at the bottom left. These filters are the same ones that are available to you on the dashboard for the project widget.

If a saved filter is active and you make changes to the filter, you have the option of saving these changes or creating a new filter.

awork remembers when you have selected a filter and reload the page, for example. The active filter is displayed by name next to the filter icon.


Use the magnifying glass icon to search in the project overview. Your project list will be searched automatically, and the number of projects will be filtered accordingly. If you remove your search text, you will return to your previous view.

Show and hide columns

Use the column icon to display different columns in the overview. awork automatically remembers your selection.

Depending on whether you are in the wide or the narrow view of the project overview, you can display different numbers of columns. Due to the limited space, these values are fixed.


You can download and export in Excel format in the list view and in the timeline view via the action button in the top right corner, located above the project list. This contains the raw data of the project overview, which you can use for your own evaluations.

You can find more information about creating exports here.

View all projects of a user or client

There are two ways to display all projects on which a user or client is occupied:

  1. You filter the project overview by the user or client (see above)

  2. Open the user or client details (Settings > Client or User) and switch to the Projects tab.

I can't find my project. What can I do?

If you can find your project, neither in the project overview nor via the search, you probably don't have enough rights to see it.

Ask the project manager if they gave you access to the project, e.g., by assigning you to the project or by assigning the project to your team.

I can find my project, but I don't see it in the overview. What can I do?

Often you simply still have a filter active. Click once on the funnel icon to see if a filter is selected. Alternatively, maybe the project is already closed, and you are in the active projects view?

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