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Invite guests to awork

Clients, freelancers, partners & more can be cast as guests on a single project and are cheaper than normal awork users.

Tobias Hagenau avatar
Written by Tobias Hagenau
Updated over 3 months ago

☝️ awork Connect

Previously, it was possible to add external persons as guests in awork. This will no longer be necessary with awork Connect in the future. awork workspaces that were created after the release of awork Connect no longer have the option of inviting guests in the old way.

You have the option of migrating existing guest users to external persons.

You can find more information about the migration here.

You can find more information about awork connect here.

What is a guest in awork?

awork offers a special kind of user to involve external people in your projects. Common use cases are clients, freelancers and partners who collaborate on individual projects in awork.

What differentiates guests from other users in awork?

The special feature of a guest compared to normal users is that guests can only participate in a single project at a time.

To define the current project of a guest, you simply add the guest to the project team. A guest can have any project role for this one project.

So what rights a guest has within that one project is up to you. Typical options could be:

  • A freelancer takes over the project management on a project

  • A client has read-only rights on her project

  • A partner is a normal team member on a project

What costs a guest?

A guest only needs 1/3 of a license, while a normal user needs 1 full license.

Example: In a workspace 10 licenses were booked, these can be used now e.g. as follows:

  • Example 1: 10 user

  • Example 2: 9 user + 3 guests

  • Example 3: 5 user + 15 guests

If 5 licenses are booked and there are 4 users and 2 guests in the workspace, only one more guest can be invited. Another normal user would need another license, because only 1/3 license is free.

Create a new guest in awork

In awork a special role for guests is preset in the permissions. It has the name guest (or Gast if your awork was created in German). This role is predefined and can't be edited.

Every user you assign this special role to is automatically a guest.

To assign the guest role to a user, you can either preselect it when inviting the user or assign it later under Settings > Permissions.

If you do the assignment later, first you have to make sure that the user is only assigned to only one project and only to tasks from this project (this is the limit for guests), otherwise awork will show you a corresponding error message.

awork Connect

Until now, you could add external persons as guests in awork. This will no longer be necessary with awork Connect in the future. You have the option of migrating existing guest users to external persons. You can find more information about the migration here.

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